Thursday, July 2, 2009


Hey ho everyone,

I really think posts like this are kinda sappy and unnecessary. Everyone knows I haven't been posting. It assumes I actually have people reading this that care. By now, they've all gone on. It comes out as just a big excuse really. I'll just say it up front, I suck. This is my renewed attempt to change that.

And now the excuse: Time flies when you're super busy at work. Funny that I work at a place that lives and breathes by the bloggers that use us but I find very little time to blog myself. My responsibilities changed a while back at work and I think it has taken me a little bit to get into the groove of things. Here's hoping for a renewed sense of purpose for this place to lay down my thoughts.

1 comment:

Bil Repenning said...

YEAH! THE RETURN OF SHAGGYD0UG! The World can rest easy again!